“Klassik Album vun der Woch” in Luxembourg

read the full article or listen to the broadcast here

"As the album title Amitié musicale à quatre mains already indicates, the pianist and the pianist on this album are not only a team when it comes to making music; they are also very close friends. Both Marie Fançois and Simon Adda-Reyss perform worldwide, and now they have released their first joint album. The cover is very artistic. It shows four hands whose fingers are quite long and very flexible, almost giving the impression that you’re looking at just two hands rather than four. This image suits the album perfectly, because the two play so seamlessly together that you could almost believe there’s only one person at the piano. The result is a very intimate interpretation that makes the music all the more magical."


 “Ça vient de sortir” - Musiq3 with Pierre Solot


Review of Amitié Musicale by De Standaard